Dr. Sturz Ciprian

Doctor specializing in general surgery, visceral surgery and skills in emergency medicine
Function Medical Director
Specialties General surgery Visceral surgery Competencies in Emergency Medicine
Courses & Specializations Ultrasound (Ultraschall Grund und Aufbaukurs) Medical certification for multisite hyperbaric chamber operation
Languages Romanian / German / English

Dr. Sturz Ciprian is a doctor with almost 15 years of experience in the medical field, of which 14 years in surgery and one year in internal medicine. He has worked in some of the most renowned hospitals in Germany, including Klinikum Nürnberg, Klinikum Roth and others.

Dr. Sturz made significant progress during his time in Germany, his extensive surgical experience bringing him collaborations with top surgeons from around the world, honing his skills and learning advanced surgical techniques. Dr. Ciprian spent a year in internal medicine, exploring the field from a broader perspective and gaining valuable knowledge about diagnosis and treatment. This experience allowed him to better understand the interconnectedness of different aspects of patient health and provide holistic and personalized care.

After years of work and dedication in Germany, he decided to return to Romania to contribute to the founding of the most modern Hyperbaric Medicine Center in the country. This initiative resonates with his vision to bring innovative treatments and advanced technologies to Romanian patients. The Hyperbarium Clinic offers state-of-the-art hyperbaric therapies that have proven effective in treating conditions such as chronic wounds, osteomyelitis, radiation injuries and more.

Dr. Ciprian is recognized for his empathetic approach and for ensuring that patients receive appropriate treatment and are involved in their health decisions. In addition, he constantly completes his medical knowledge by attending conferences and specialization courses, in order to offer the best treatment solutions to his patients.