Fibromialgia vagy fibromialgiás szindróma

Fibromialgia vagy fibromialgiás szindróma

A fibromialgia egy legyengítő és krónikus betegség, amely a lakosság kb. 2–4%-ának életminőségét befolyásolja, és előfordulása sokkal magasabb a nők körében, mint a férfiaknál (9:1 arány). Bár a betegség patofiziológiája továbbra sem ismert, úgy vélik, hogy a központi idegrendszer érzékenysége és az ebből következő rendellenes agyi aktivitás jelentős mértékben hozzájárul a betegség kialakulásához.

A közelmúltban végzett vizsgálatok bizonyítják a hiperbár-terápia szerepét a fibromialgiás betegek életminőségének javításában. A neuroplaszticitás aktiválásával a hiperbár-terápia korrigálhatja a rendellenes agyi aktivitást és enyhítheti a betegség fájdalommal járó tüneteit.

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Hyperbaric oxygen treatment decreases inflammation and mechanical hypersensitivity in an animal model of inflammatory pain

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Building up the pressure on chronic pain

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Atzeni, F., R. Casale, A. Alciati, I. F. Masala, A. Batticciotto, R. Talotta, M. C. Gerardi, F. Salaffi, and P. Sarzi-Puttini.
Hyperbaric oxygen treatment of fibromyalgia: a prospective observational clinical study

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Casale, R., G. Boccia, Z. Symeonidou, F. Atzeni, A. Batticciotto, F. Salaffi, P. Sarzi-Puttini, P. R. Brustio, and A. Rainoldi.
Neuromuscular efficiency in fibromyalgia is improved by hyperbaric oxygen therapy: looking inside muscles by means of surface electromyography

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Xinxin Chen, Jiuhong You, Hui Ma, Mei Zhou, Cheng Huang
Efficacy and safety of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for fibromyalgia: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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THU0512 Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) treatment in fibromyalgia


Amir Hadanny, Yair Bechor, Merav Catalogna, Shir Daphna-Tekoah, Tal Sigal, Mehrzad Cohenpour, Rachel Lev-Wiesel Shai Efrati
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Can Induce Neuroplasticity and Significant Clinical Improvement in Patients Suffering From Fibromyalgia With a History of Childhood Sexual Abuse-Randomized Controlled Trial

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Lev-Wiesel, R., Y. Bechor, S. Daphna-Tekoah, A. Hadanny, and S. Efrati.
Brain and Mind Integration: Childhood Sexual Abuse Survivors Experiencing Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment and Psychotherapy Concurrently

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Shai Efrati, Amir Hadanny, Shir Daphna-Tekoah, Yair Bechor, Kobi Tiberg, Nimrod Pik, Gil Suzin, and Rachel Lev-Wiesel
Recovery of Repressed Memories in Fibromyalgia Patients Treated With Hyperbaric Oxygen – Case Series Presentation and Suggested Bio-Psycho-Social Mechanism

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Hyperbaric oxygen and aerobic exercise in the long-term treatment of fibromyalgia: A narrative review

Ruth Izquierdo-Alventosa, Marta Inglés, Sara Cortés-Amador, Lucia Gimeno-Mallench, Núria Sempere-Rubio, Javier Chirivella, and Pilar Serra-Añó
Comparative study of the effectiveness of a low-pressure hyperbaric oxygen treatment and physical exercise in women with fibromyalgia: randomized clinical trial

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A New Treatment Modality for Fibromyalgia Syndrome: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

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Evaluation of a Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Intervention in Individuals with Fibromyalgia

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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: A New Treatment for Chronic Pain?

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Hannah Waleed Haddad, Nikita Reddy Mallepalli, John Emerson Scheinuk, Pranav Bhargava, Elyse M. Cornett, Ivan Urits, and Alan David Kaye
The Role of Nutrient Supplementation in the Management of Chronic Pain in Fibromyalgia: A Narrative Review

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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Can Diminish Fibromyalgia Syndrome – Prospective Clinical Trial

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Pain management and hyperbaric oxygen therapy

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Jacob N. Ablin, Erez Lang, Merav Catalogna, Valerie Aloush, Amir Hadanny, Keren Doenyas-Barak, Shachar Finci, Nir Polak, Gregory Fishlev, Calanit Korin, Rachel Yehudit Tzidky, Oshra Meir Genuth, Shai Efrati
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy compared to pharmacological intervention in fibromyalgia patients following traumatic brain injury: A randomized, controlled trial

Published: March 10, 2023,

F. Atzeni, R. Casale, A. Alciati, I.F. Masala, A. Batticciotto, R. Talotta, M.C. Gerardi, F. Salaffi, P. Sarzi-Puttini
Hyperbaric oxygen treatment of fibromyalgia: a prospective observational clinical trial

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Gerardo Bosco, Edoardo Ostardo, Alex Rizzato, Giacomo Garetto, Matteo Paganini, Giorgio Melloni, Giampiero Giron, Lodovico Pietrosanti, Ivo Martinelli & Enrico Camporesi
Clinical and morphological effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in patients with interstitial cystitis associated with fibromyalgia

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Chunfeng Cao, Qianlu Li, Xinran Zhang, Giustino Varrassi, Haiqiang Wang
Effectiveness of Hyperbaric Oxygen for Fibromyalgia: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

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Ruth Izquierdo-Alventosa, Marta Inglés, Sara Cortés-Amador, Elena Muñoz-Gómez, Sara Mollà-Casanova, Lucia Gimeno-Mallench, Javier Chrivella-Garrido, Pilar Serra-Añó
Effects of a low-pressure hyperbaric oxygen therapy on psychological constructs related to pain and quality of life in women with fibromyalgia: A randomized clinical trial